AI-Based Virtual Affinity Maturation Service

AI-Based Virtual Affinity Maturation Service

Affinity maturation is a common modification strategy for monoclonal antibodies to enhance drug efficacy, reduce immunogenicity, and improve pharmacological properties.

Non-Library AI Virtual Affinity Maturation Solutions:

1. Analyze protein interaction interfaces, introduce single-point virtual saturation mutations, and calculate interaction energy to screen for mutants with increased affinity. Using AI prediction methods, virtual affinity modifications can be made in the absence of protein crystal structure.
2. Express and purify the designed mutants, validate them experimentally, and obtain molecules with increased affinity.

Case Study:
Using AI-driven virtual affinity maturation strategy, 28 mutant variants were designed to enhance the affinity of the parent molecule. Through two rounds of screening, within just 6 weeks, the affinity of the parent molecule was increased by 10-fold.

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